Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Daddy's contribution

Daddy has been reading the blog and finally decide to do his bit of writing up. so here he goes:

Here are Daddy’s thoughts on baby Darren.
It is now day 2 since Daddy has been out of a job. I am enjoying the time that I have at home with baby. Watching him turn, watching him cry, watching him suck his little fingers, every moment is so precious.
Baby has been a good boy at home and has been sleeping most of today. The times when he is awake, he is playing on his favourite play mat and looking around. Sigh, I wish that these moments will never end.
Over the past few days, baby has also become more curious. In the past, he will sleep soundly on his bed after his milk and his lullaby. Now, he would prefer to have daddy and mummy to talk to him and bring him around the house, look around, and talk to him. Anyway, if there is something that baby behaves like daddy, it is the way that he loves his TV. Baby likes granny to carry him and watch TV. Now, baby and granny are watching the Taiwan TV serial (Yi Nan Wang) that is on from 4:30 on weekday afternoons.
As I am talking now, baby is sleeping soundly in granny’s arms and enjoying his pacifier in his little dreamland (zzz).
Sweet dreams my boy … I hope that I can always be there for you.

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