Saturday, October 31, 2009

little surprise

last wed nite darren surprised me yet again.

He was sitting on his playmat, as usual, messing around with the flash cards. Suddenly he pointed at one of them with the Chinese character “大” and said “da”. at first I thot it was just his baby language and so happened tat he made tat sound. But he did again immediately. And after the dinner, he said it one more time.

Recently, he is trying very hard to pronounce the words. Like, he is very excited seeing the numbers on the lift changing as it moves up and down and we will say out the number to him. Now he can say “yi” “er” sometimes “san” and pronounced “si” as “sssss…”. And he likes to point and make you say out the word for him, sometimes, he will follow by trying to imitate the sound. Although might not be correct, at least he tried.

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