Sunday, January 25, 2009

8 month milestones

time really flies, now our baby is 8 mth old. Mommy knows my baby is getter bigger and more sensible everyday and tat really warms mommy’s heart to see you grow well and healthy.

Just to recap what baby Darren achievements at his 8mths

1. now he got 6 teeth. 2 at the bottom and 4 at the upper jaw. the two teeth at the centre of upper jaw are really huge bunny teeth.

2. I dunno whether this considers an achievement, but baby Darren can do the chewing motion very well… (he even practises during sleep) a check with other colleagues shows some of their babies cannot chew yet even though they are older than my baby.

3. now he still stuff everything he can grab into his mouth. The harder the better… all the flash cards at home have not been spared. And he got huge appetite. He can still ask for food when he sees us eating even though he just had his feed. And the best part abt him is tat he is not a picky eater. He just eats anything tat we prepare, fast and thorough

4. now he can flip both ways very fast. Which is also the reason tat once he fell from the bed which mommy still blames herself for not taking good care of him and vows not to let this happen again.

5. baby Darren cannot crawl yet. But definitely showing signs of doing so. When he is on tummy, he will lift up his butt and push his legs and try to move forward. There are few times he really succeed in doing so, but only to move backwards and in centimeters only.

trying hard to crawl, but i can only go backward.

6. baby Darren now can sit unsupported for several minutes (longest record), but still have to have an adult behind him just in case he topples which happened twice oredi (again this mommy blames herself for letting this happen)

7. now he can stand with support. I gave credit to the exersaucer we placed him in when feeding and watching the “your baby can read” DVD. He seems enjoy himself when he is inside. Although most of the recent studies have objected the idea of putting baby in the walker, I still did in the hope tat can help him loose a bit of weight. However I do hope baby Darren to learn to crawl first. But given his big size, maybe I still have to wait a little longer (he only did a full flip over when he was 6 months plus which is slower than the average 4 months old)

8. he is now getting more responsive to people, especially his dad. When daddy makes funny faces and noises, baby Darren always laughs aloud which is such a joy to see. And he seems to understand what we are talking about by lifting up his head during our conversation. The most obvious sign would be smiling at the characters in the “your baby can read”.

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