Sunday, May 24, 2009

First time showering standing up

a couple of Sundays ago, we went my wai po’s house for dinner. Daddy was helping yee ma to fix some computer stuff after dinner and it’s taking forever, so I got bored and was crawling around in the room to entertain myself.

Then it’s time for wai po to shower tong tong jie jie.. so she asked me whether I want to shower too since I was all sweaty and dirty from crawling. Initially mommy was a bit hesitant since there was no bath tub at waipo’s house. But in the end, she just let me go since we bought extra clothes tat day.

Its’ the first time I was showering standing up. and definitely a refreshing experience. Because now when mommy bathes me in the tub, I always wanted to climb up and turned to look around. So waipo asked me to stand up and hold the pipe to steady myself. And mommy was holding me up so that I wont’ fall down. Then wai po soaped me and used the shower head to rinse off. I felt so ticklish from the spray of water and I pee-ed. Mommy was laughing off her head over it.. bad mommy… hmmmm…

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