now tat i can walk and run, my next milestone will be to talk! or rather to talk in the language tat the adults can understand me.. well who ask there are more adults around me. actually all the while i have been talking, just tat they dunno.
i still babble in my baby language a lot, but now i made a conscious effort in pronouncing the words tat i've learnt. here are some of the examples.
1. on 7 dec, i finally called "pa-pa" and "ma-ma" together. it was the usual breakfast, daddy and mommy were reading newspaper while having their breakfast, then i just walked to them, looked at daddy and called "pa-pa" and then turned to mommy and called "ma-ma". this is really the first time i called them both. previously, i just called mamamama while i am in distress and crying big time.
2. then on the 10th, when i woke up first and mommy was still catching her precious last few min of sleep, i sat up on the mattress and started reciting "1-10" in chinese, and then followed by the alphabets. mommy was so so happy tat her previous efforts in showing flash cards began to show!
3. my fav phrase now is "oh no", i will purposely drop a stuff say remote control on the floor and then say "oh,no" then look at mommy in tat innocent expression.
4, almost know all the basic shapes, and tat day when i picked up a toy i haven't been playing for long time, and i can recognise the shape and said "heart shape"
5, know most of the colors, one example is on the first sunday of dec, when daddy and mommy brot me to see the doc, there was a slide outside the clinic, and when asked abt the colors of the different parts, i can say them all!
my love for the numbers and alphabets and words sure catch the attention of my teachers at the childcare centre. now my fav teacher is the chinese teacher Kong Lao Shi, as she will patiently read out the words when i point at them. when mommy went to pick me up, she told mommy tat while the other kids of my age prefer bright colors and shapes, i prefer to point at letters, characters and numbers and really point one by one and ask the teacher to read to me. and another teacher also mention tat i love the alphabet song and when she stopped playing the song, i cried!
now my fav action - pout my lips and look like a pig mouth
me in my school uniform!